Lower fuel prices and a strong economy have contributed to a forecast of record-breaking traffic this holiday season. AAA expects that 102.1 million people will travel via car for a holiday road trip in 2018. That is up 4.4 percent from 2017 and is the highest number on record. It also means that close to 1/3 of the entire country will be in a vehicle on the roadways.
In addition to traffic delays, the increased number of vehicles on the roads presents more dangerous driving conditions and the likelihood of more car accidents. AAA expects to rescue more than 960,000 drivers on the roadside this holiday season. On top of extra traffic, the weather also plays a role at this time of year, as 46 percent of all weather-related crashes take place in the winter. In 2017 about 40,000 people died in automobile crashes in the United States. That is the leading cause of death for people aged 1 to 54.
With this information in mind, it is vital that drivers use caution and practice basic driving safety during the 2018 holiday season. You can keep yourself, your family and your community much safer by following these simple tips:
- Check the local weather report before leaving
- Leave early – allowing time for extra traffic
- Always wear a seat belt
- Buckle children in age/size appropriate seat restraints
- Drive without distractions – especially cell phones and other devices
- Obey speed limits
- Travel at appropriate speeds for inclement weather conditions
- Make a conscious decision (ahead of time) to not drive while impaired by any substance
- Keep a lookout for other drivers who may be driving impaired and keep your distance
The attorneys and staff at Adams, Hill & Hess wish you a Merry Christmas and hope that you have a fun and safe 2018 holiday season.