Disclaimer: The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice, nor the formation of a lawyer or attorney client relationship. Any results set forth here were dependent on the facts of that particular case and the results will differ from case to case. Our past results do not guarantee the same results in the future as each case depends on its own unique set of facts and circumstances. To get specific legal advice regarding your personal injury, auto accident, motorcycle accident, bicycle accident, brain injury, workers’ compensation claim or wrongful death claim; please contact the law offices of Adams, Hill & Hess. This web site is not intended to solicit clients for matters outside of the State of Oregon and may be considered advertising by the Oregon State Bar Rules.

Reseñas Sobre Nuestro Bufete de Abogados

millie L.
Adam as such a help when I went to see him. He totally explained how workers compensation claims work and all my options.He was generous with his time and easy to understand. The office is welcoming and confidence producing.
Respuesta del propietario: Thank you. We're very happy to hear that our team helped bring some clarity and direction. Workers' compensation claims are extremely confusing.
Sergio D.
Mi edperiesia con este buffete de abogado fue muy sactifactoria a mi esposa le ganaron su caso de lesion de auto son los mejore
Jose R.
Such an amazing person great attorney helped me settle my case would recommend him 🙏 to anyone looking for an attorney
Respuesta del propietario: Thanks for letting us know about your good experience with our firm. So glad we were able to help you.

Nuestro Proceso

1. Investigar

Su equipo legal investigaran su accidente y recopilaran la información/documentación necesaria sobre su lesiones, tratamiento médico y sueldo perdido.

2. Asesorar

Le aconsejaremos sobre cómo lograr el mejor resultado en su caso, incluyendo método ideal y el momento adecuado para obtener el máximo compensación.

3. Negociar

Antes de litigio, su abogado negociará con la compañía de seguros con la intención de recuperar la compensación por sus daños a lo que usted tiene derecho.

4. Litigar

Si las negociaciones con la compañía de seguros no resultan en el mejor resultado para usted, su abogado litigará su caso ante la corte o agencia correspondiente.

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